North Roosevelt

The strength of the body is a good thing, the power of a mind is even better.

Week of 10/16/17 & 10/23/17

Learning Plan:


Math: I can demonstrate my understanding of exponents and multiplying and dividing decimals.


Focus Task #1: Solve– (Place in descending order.)  .871, 8. ,  . 87, .8.17 , .008, .081, .8

Focus Task #2: Complete all elements of the Academic Race: Questions 1-5.

Focus Task #3: Complete your Solar System Weight: This math will include an overview of your thoughts regarding this task and its overall value.


Writing: I can produce a quality piece of writing that incorporates the elements of a quality composition.

Focus Task: Compose your introductory letter to France.

(Tatianna: Finish your goal writing.)


Science: I can dissect text to make determinations about the importance of studying hurricanes.

Focus Task: What are the factors necessary to create a hurricane ? How are hurricanes named ? What is a storm surge ?

Make certain that you have developed quality interactive notebook pages that support these questions.


Social Studies: I can understand differing perspectives that led to the debate between the colonists and Parliament.

Focus Task: Review Chapter Ten of your TCI text and develop interactive pages that support your Taxes and Protest notes.



As per my discussion with your Governor, it has been decided that portfolio artifacts are to be completed at home and brought in for review. It is the expectation that artifacts will be completed by Wednesday of each week. ( You are always welcome to submit more than one artifact per week.)


In addition, to your portfolio artifact, I will ask you to utilize your thirty minutes of reading each night to dissect the “Amazing Brain” text. Reading this text will allow for greater connections with your Understanding Map and Thinking Routines. 


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  1. Michael Soucy October 30, 2017

    Michael Soucy October 29 2017 at 7:57 pm

    Dear Mr.Miller,
    While I was researching Theodore Roosevelt’s speech something
    interesting I learned was people were voting for suffrage.bSome states
    like Oregon and Arizona received victories while states like Michagan
    received defeats.Something I’m curios about is how many people won
    the vote?I believe by continuing to learn about Theodore Roosevelt can
    increase our level of learning.

    Michael Soucy

    • Azlynn Long November 13, 2017

      Dear Michael,
      In your second sentence you wrote “bSome”. I don’t know if anyone noticed, but I think you were trying to write some .

      Azlynn Long

  2. Lily Castro October 29, 2017

    Dear Mr. Miller,
    My mom is earning her degree to become a teacher. Currently she is taking American Government, she has also has just finished reading about the suffrage movement.

    Lily Castro

  3. Tatianna Benjamin October 29, 2017

    Dear Mr. Miller

    I will be trying to create more time to post on the blog and trying to find out more about this movement of women suffage because I believe that this movement was important to our history.


    Tatianna Benjamin

  4. Tatianna Benjamin October 29, 2017

    Dear Mr.Miller,

    I have found out some new information that I think can be useful. I believe that women suffage is where women back then could not vote which I find is just wrong. Thedore Roosevelt believed it was wrong so he stood up for this movement. I would agree because all people are created equal and all people should have the same amount of rights. If you have any questions please let me know.


    Tatianna Benjamin

  5. Azlynn Long October 26, 2017

    Dear North Roosevelt,

    I am sorry I have not been posting on the blog. I do thank those who are posting on the blog. I believe that Theodore Roosevelt is saying something very significant. I wonder what Theodore Roosevelt is saying? I am going research more about it and find out why it is so significant.

    Azlynn Long

  6. bartonmiller October 24, 2017 — Post Author


    For today, I would ask that you start your day by demonstrating your ability to round utilizing decomposition and a vertical number line.

    Round 45.367 to the nearest hundredth.

    Mr. Miller

  7. bartonmiller October 23, 2017 — Post Author

    Dear Azlynn, Qasim & Michael,

    You are required to complete your letter to France before addressing the elements of your list.

    Mr. Miller

  8. bartonmiller October 23, 2017 — Post Author

    Dear Qasim,

    Thank you for attempting to provide us with a more specific setting to the picture. However, I believe the May 2nd 1913 speech was given in New York City. Although your post does uncover the fact that Roosevelt delivered more than one speech regarding the suffrage movement. That opens up the idea that this movement was extremely important. As we continue to develop our understanding, I would be interested in your thoughts regarding the significance of the content within Theodore’s speech. (What were his views regarding this particular idea?)

    In trying to uncover the complexity of this issue, I would ask how Susan B. Anthony is connected to this movement ?

    Mr. Miller

    • Qasim Zubair October 25, 2017

      Dear Mr.Miller,

      I will research and post about my thoughts about the significane of the content within Theodore’s speech and also how Susan B. Anthony is connected to this movement as soon as I can.

      Qasim Zubair

    • Qasim Zubair October 29, 2017

      Dear Mr Miller,

      I found facts about Susan B. Anthony. A few facts i found are Susan B. Anthony was born Febuary 15,1820 and she was a teacher.The reason why Susan B. Anthony is connect to the problem of suffrage because she and this girl named Elizabeth Cady Stanton parntnerd up and created a newspaper called Revolution and in 1869 Susan B. Anthony and Stanton formed Natonial Women Suffrage Association. This shows that it took atleast 48 years to end the suffrage problem.

      Qasim Zubair

  9. bartonmiller October 23, 2017 — Post Author

    Dear Lily,

    What was the struggle that existed ?

    Mr. Miller

    • Lily Castro October 29, 2017

      Dear Mr.Miller,
      to respond to the question you asked me, I found out that the struggles during the suffrage movement was for women to be able to vote and run for office positions.

      Lily Castro

  10. Lily Castro October 20, 2017

    Dear North Roosevelt,
    As citizens of this state we should get our artifacts done and post on the blog more often so this state can stay together for the rest of the year.

    Lily Castro

  11. bartonmiller October 17, 2017 — Post Author

    Dear Oysters,

    It is my expectation that every citizen of your state has read over the responsibilities for the week and in particular, my post comment from yesterday. It is imperative that you are working diligently to develop your understanding in all areas, thus following the Learning Plan and amended items on the comments will guide you in the direction necessary to achieve deeper understanding. The citizens of this state should take advantage of this website and utilize it to communicate and collaborate.

    For today, make certain that your Comparing and Ordering of Decimals interactive notebook pages are complete before entering the order of your Learning Plan.

    Mr. Miller

  12. bartonmiller October 16, 2017 — Post Author


    The image on the top of this post, shows Theodore Roosevelt communicating his ideas on the Suffragist movement from his front porch at Sagamore Hill. As the week progresses, you should investigate this movement and be able to post your thoughts regarding its importance on the blog. Your overall effort in this endeavor, may pay dividends toward your overall economy.

    Mr. Miller

    • Lily Castro October 20, 2017

      Dear Mr. Miller,
      I found out what the Suffrage movement is.It was the struggle for woman overall rights.

      Lily Castro

    • Qasim Zubair October 22, 2017

      Dear Mr.Miller,
      I found a few facts about this speech and why it’s so significant.Like for example this speech about suffrage was taken place on this date,May 2,1913.I find where Theodore Roosvelt did this speech significant because he died on January 6,1919 at Sagamore Hill,Town of Oyster Bay,NY, which is where he did his speech.

      Qasim Zubair

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